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We started the year off with a bang at the Supa 7s Spectacular Event 
Knox won the Working Group and Charm was awarded Reserve in the Veteran Sweeps (all breeds)
Judge: Michael Forte (Ireland)

October 2023 ~ Free State Kennel Club 1 & 2
judge: George Kostopoulos (Greece)

Knox wins BOB & Group 2
Spice wins RBOB, CC, Puppy Group 1st

judge: Massimo Inzoli (Italy)
Spice wins: BOB, CC, Puppy group 1st

TKC FCI ~ Breed: Mrs. Yoshimi Suzuki (Japan) Group: Mrs. Dayna Johnson (Australia)
Knox wins BOB & Group 1st
Spice wins Best Puppy & Puppy Group 1st

TKC 1 ~ Judge: Mr. Mark Johnson (Australia)
Knox wins BOB & Group 2 
Spice wins CC, Best Puppy & Puppy Group 3

TKC 2 ~ Judge: Mrs. Noeleen Clarke (Ireland)
Knox wins BOB & Group 4
Spice wins CC, Best Puppy & Puppy Group 3 

TKC SUPREME (invitational event for dogs who have won an all breeds BIS in the previous year)
Judge: Mrs. Yoshimi Suzuki (Japan)

Knox wins the coveted title. 
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Sasolburg Kennel Club ~ 23 September 2023
Group & breed judge: Mr. Gerard Robinson
Best in Show judge: Mrs. Sue Carter

Knox wins the breed & group and then converts to 
Reserve Best in Show judge
9th September saw KUSA hosting their award ceremony for all the group winners of the KUSA Showdog of the Year '22 / '23
Titan was officially awarded the title of Top Working Dog.
The latest points table has been released for the KUSA Showdog of the Year '23 / '24 (click here)
Knox is currenly No. 2 All Breeds; No. 1 Working Dog & No. 1 Siberian Husky
August 2023
What a weekend we had in the Free State ~ Northern Natal KC judge: Kevin Young who awarded Knox Best of Breed & Group 2; Spice won the CC & Puppy Group 3
Bloemfontein KC judge: Lynne Bell Brand (SA) Knox wins Best of Breed & Group 1st; Spice wins CC & Puppy Group 1st.
Kimberley Kennel Club judge: Dr Heidi Rolfes (SA) Knox wins Best of Breed & Group 1st & then later under Lynne Bell Brand (BIS judge) wins:
Spice won the CC & Puppy Group 1st.
Goldfields Dog of the Year 2023
Working judge: Audrey Hauptfleish (SA)

Titan is shortlisted as 1 of the top 4 dogs in the Working group.
Great weekend for our dogs at Goldfields Kennel Club. Our team consisted of Knox, Spice & Charm.
Breed & Group judges were Sharon Peghan (Aus) & Elrena Stadler (SA)
BIS Judge was David Anderson (Can)
Knox won Best of Breed at both shows and a Group 3 & Group 1 then finished the day by going Reserve Best in Show.

Spice wins 2 x RCC; Puppy Group 1st & Puppy Group 2nd

Charm handled by Kerstin Fehrsen wins 2 x CC from the Veteran Class, a Reserve Best of Breed; 2 x Best Veteran in Group and ends the weekend with a Best Veteran in Show
Siberian Husky Club of Gauteng
Judge: Mr David Miller (USA)
Knox wins: Best of Breed / Best in Show
Spice wins: Res. Best Puppy in Show
Cooper wins: Best Veteran in Show
Judge: Louis Kruger (SA)
Knox wins the coveted title of Working & Herding Dog of the Year 2023
Working & Herding Breeds Ass Golden Reef.
Judge: David Anderson (Can)
Knox wins Best of Breed and onto Best in Group finishing the day with Best in Show.
Spice first time in the minor puppy class wins: CC; Best Puppy in Group & Res. Best Puppy in Show
We had one of the best weekends EVER!!
KZN Junior KC, Zululand KC & Northern Natal KC
judges: Nikki Redtenbacher, Jenny Hubbard, Karen Furk

Knox wins all 3 Group 1sts, 2 x BEST IN SHOW (all breeds) & a Res. Best in Show
Spice wins all 3 x Best Baby Puppy in Show
Pet Expo July 2023 - Results

Knox wins 3 x BOBs & 3 x Group 1sts

judges: M Morse (Aus), M Holmli (Norway), J Sauceda (Mex) and... 
judge: Shellie Marshall (Aus)
Spice wins:
2 x Best Baby in Show under judges: J Sauceda (Mex) & S Marshall (Aus)
Res. Best Baby in Show ~ judge: M Holmli (Norway)
2nd Place in Pet Expo Puppy Challenge ~ judge: G Huikeshoven (Aus)
3 x Baby in Breed / 3 x Baby in Group 1 
Cooper wins:
3 x Best Veteran in Breed / 3 x Best Veteran in Group judges: M Morse (Aus), M Holmli (Norway), J Sauceda (Mex)
1 x Best Veteran in Show judge: S Marshall (Aus)
3rd Place Pet Expo Veteran Challenge judge: G Huikeshoven (Aus)
July 2023 ~ Goldfields Supporters Clubs
Knox is awarded both BOBs & a Group 1 under judge Martin Croeser (SA) & a Group 2 under Patricia de Coning (SA)
Spice is awarded 2 x Baby Group 1sts & a Res. Baby in Show under judge Martin Croeser (SA).

Charm makes her debut as a veteran and under Pat de Coning wins: CC, RBOB, Veteran Gp 1 and under Martin Croeser wins RCC, Veteran Gp 1st.

FInal points for the KUSA Showdog of the Year 2022/2023 are out and we are exstatic about where our dogs finished:

No. 1 Siberian Husky, No. 1 Working Dog & No. 11 All Breeds:
Titan ~ MBIS RBIS RBISS BMPIS GCH & CH Summersim Titanium ZAW'22 Nat' Working 23

No. 2 Siberian Husky, No. 2 Working Dog, No. 14 All Breeds:
BIS BISS MBJIS BJISS BPIS MBBPIS BBPISS GCH & CH Hightower's Knoxville Cowboy with SpiritKeeper JM 
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June / July 2023

Natal Working & Herding Breeds Club judge: Mr R Singh Munjal (India)
Debut Show weekend for our new baby Spice
SpiritKeeper Spice Up Your Life (Knox x Cosmo) wins Best Baby in Show
Highway Kennel Club
Breed & Group judge: Mr D Paunovic (Serbia) & BIS judge: Mr P Thukaram (India)
Knox is awarded BOB & Group 4
Spice is awarded Best Baby in Breed & Group and later 
Durban & Districts Kennel Club
Judge: Mr P Thukaram (India)
Knox goes BOB & Group 1st, Spice wins Best Baby in Group
We had a lovely weekend at the KUSA Classic Weekend in particular the KUSA Nationals 2023
Judge: Mr C Hastings (Ireland)
Titan ~ is awarded the titles: KUSA National Siberian Husky & KUSA National Working Dog for 2023
Handled by Warren Sim

KUSA FCI SHOW ~ judge: Christine Rossier (Swiss) awards Cooper is 2nd Veteran Cacib
KUSA Winners Show ~ judge: Dr Chakkapan Chantarasmee (Thailand)
Knox is awarded CC & RBOB
Cooper is awarded Best Veteran, Veteran Group 1 & Best Veteran in Show under judge: Elizabeth Feuz (Swiss)
KUSA Championship Show judge: Anthony Kelly (Ireland) Cooper is awarded Best Veteran, Veteran Group 1 & Res. Best Veteran in Show 
Cooper is exclusively handled by Ethan vd Merwe 
(May 2023) Northern Tswane KC Cluster weekend
Knox is awarded CACIB, BOB & Group 1 under judge Alex Rojas (Mex)
Cooper is awarded Veteran CACIB, Best Veteran in Group & Reserve Best Veteran in Show

Under judge David Swartwood (Can), Knox is awarded CC, BOB, Group 2 
Cooper is awarded RCC, RBOB, Best Veteran in Group & BEST VETERAN IN SHOW handled by Ethan vd Merwe.

Under judge Ed Wild (Can), Titan is awarded BOB & Group 1st handled by Warren Sim
Knox winning Gr 2 under David Swartwood
Knox winning Group 1st under Alex Rojas
Coooper winning BVIS under David Swartwood
Titan winning Gr 1 under Ed Wild
(April 2023) Eastern Districts Kennel Club 1 & 2:
Knox is awarded both BOBs & Group 2nd under judges Dianne Wright (Australia) & Mrs Yashodhara Hemchandra (India)

Cooper is awarded both Veteran Groups & finishes the day going Reserve Best Veteran in Show under judge Mrs Yashodhara Hemchandra (India) handled by junior handlers Ethan van der Merwe & Daniël Compaan
Back home from a very successful trip to the Western Cape at the Malmesbury shows:
Judges: Jess Buckley, Lyndall Black & Linda Buckley (Australia)
Barbara Muller & Laurent Pichard (Switzerland)

Knox wins all 5 BOBs & Group 1sts on offer
Titan wins: Best Breeder, Owner, Handler Challenge & 2 RBOBs
Rory (owned by Tracy Robertson) wins her final CC making her a NEW CHAMPION & ends the day going RBOB.
April 2023 ~ Titan wins his 3rd all breeds Best in Show at Grahamstown & Districts KC under judge Johnny Marques (SA)
Titan also wins the working group under judges Tania Edwards (SA) & Jackie Mackenzie (SA)
April 2023 ~ Knox winning the working group & RBISS at the Baakens Valley W&H Breeds Club under judge Tracie Austen (SA) & also wins the working group at Port Elizabeth Kennel Club under judge Natasha Baxter (SA)

March 2023 - Transvaal Midlands KC Judge: Sue Carter (RSA)
Titan is awarded Best of Breed & Group 2


March 2023, Cooper wins 2 x BVIS at the Vereeniging & DIstricts KC & Junior Kennel Club of Gauteng shows handled by Ethan van der Merwe

2023 started with a bang at the Roodepoort & Districts KC & SA Ladies Ass Championship Shows
Knox wins both Best of Breeds & Group 2 under Mr J Fisher & Group 1 under judge Ms. G Brits.

And Cooper wins 2 x Best Veteran In Breed & 2 x Veteran Group 1sts handled by Junior Handler: Ethan van der Merwe


Cooper, BIS BISS MBVIS GCH & CH Northwind Ticket to Ride CGC Br wins RBVIS at the 2023 Eastern Districts Supa 7s Specacular invitational event under judge: Sue Bownds (Australia).


Updated KUSA points as of Dec 2022 reflect:

Showdog table 12 december 2022.pdf (

Titan ~ MBIS RBISS BMPIS GCH & Ch Summersim Titanium ZAW'22 is:

  • no. 1 Siberian Husky

  • no. 1 Working Dog

  • no.8 All Breeds

Knox ~ BIS RBIS BISS MBJIS BJISS BPIS MBBPIS BBPISS Ch Hightower's Knoxville Cowboy with SpiritKeeper JM (imp. GER) is:

  • no. 3 Siberian Husky

  • no. 5 Working Dog

  • no. 20 All Breeds


Pretoria Kennel Club - November 2022

Titan is awarded BEST IN SHOW under judge Nikki Redtenbacher (RSA)

after winning the breed & Group under judge Gerhard Schultz (RSA)


Pretoria Kennel Club - November 2022

Dutton is awarded BEST BABY PUPPY IN SHOW under judge Nikki Redtenbacher (RSA)

after winning baby in breed & Group under judge Gerhard Schultz (RSA)


Jacaranda City Kennel Club - November 2022

Titan is awarded Group 1st under judge Natasha the breed under judge Kevin Young (RSA)

Results from attending the Free State Kennel Club weekend (October 2022):

Cooper is awarded back to back Reserve Best Veteran in Show by judges: Jira Sattapunkeeree (Thailand) & Anjeli Vaid (India)

2 x RCCs
Titan is awarded: Best of Breed & Group 2 by judge: Anjeli Vaid (India)
Knox is awarded Best of Breed & Group 2 by judge: Sadiq Al Farsani (Bahrain)

We had a fantastic trip to the Cape Shows during October 2022

Knox won 5 CCs; 1 x BOB; 1 x RBOB; Group 1st & BEST IN SHOW under international all breeds judge Jeff Horswell (UK) and followed it up with SUPREME BEST IN SHOW under well respected international judge Ann Ingram (Ireland)

Titan won 1 x BOB; 3 x RBOB; Group 1st & RESERVE BEST IN SHOW under judge Eytan Hendel (Israel)

Dutton won 5 x Best Baby Puppy in Group; Reserve Best Baby in Show under Jeff Horswell (UK) & BEST BABY IN SHOW under judge Jackie Weekes (Australia)

Aurora, SpiritKeeper The Dawn Wind owned by Tracy Robertson won 4 x CCs; 1 x RCC

Below is the current KUSA points table for 2021 / 2022:

Which has Titan being:                                                      
  • no. 1 Siberian Husky
  • no. 2 Working Dog
  • no. 12 All Breeds
And Knox (from the puppy / junior classes):
  • no. 3 Siberian Husky
  • no. 7 Working Dog
  • no. 31 All Breeds
Hightower Knoxville Cowboy, Siberian Husky, Grey & White male, South Africa, Germany
Knox winning BISS & BJISS at the 2022 Siberian Husky Club of Gauteng Specialty Show under judge: Natasha Baxter (RSA)
Titan winning 4th place at the 2022 Goldfields Dog of the Year competition handled by Warren Sim under judge Joy Mcfarlane (RSA)
Titan, Summersim Titanium, Siberian Husky, Grey & White male, KUSA registered, South Africa, purebred dogs
Knox, Hightower Knoxville Coboy, Puppy of the year, KUSA registered, South Africa, Germany
Knox winning 2022 Working & Herding Golden Reef Puppy of the Year under judge: Patricia de Coning (RSA)
Titan & Warren winning the title of ZAW'22 at the 2022 KUSA Winners Show by going BOB. Judge is Marit Sunde (Nor)
Titan, Summersim Titanium, KUSA registered, Siberian Husky, Grey & White male, South Africa
Knox, Hightower's Knoxville Cowboy, KUSA registered, Grey & white male, South Africa, Germany
Knox winning the Junior Group under breed specialist judge: Anita Duggan (Ire) at the KUSA Championship Show 2022.
Knox winning RBIS & RBJIS under breed judge: Lynne Brand (RSA) & BIS judge: Pat Rabie (RSA)
Knox, Siberian Husky, KUSA registered, South Africa
Titan, Summersim Titanium, KUSA registered, Siberian Husky, Grey & White male, South Africa
Titan winning BIS at Hottentots Holland Kennel Club in 2021 under breed judge: Nikki Redtenbacher (RSA) & BIS judge: Ricky Gouws (RSA)
Knox winning BJIS at 2022 Pet Expo Western Gauteng Kennel Club under judge: Rony Doedijns (Netherlands)
Knox, Siberian Husky, KUSA registered, South Africa
Knox, Siberian Husky, KUSA registered, South Africa
Knox winning BOB & Group 1 from the puppy class at Roodepoort & Districts Kennel Club under judge: Ken Hull (RSA)
Cooper winning BVIS at 2022 Outeniqua Kennel Club under judge Karen Furk (RSA) handled by Warren
Cooper, Northwind Ticket to Ride, Siberian Husky, KUSA registered, veteran, South Africa
Knox, Siberian Husky, KUSA registered, South Africa
Knox winning BPIS under breed judge: Karen Furk (RSA) & BIS Judge: Mark Anderson (RSA)


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